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    Journal Assessment Report




    According to the standards of SCI and other leading journal indexing systems, analyze the quantitative and qualitative indicators of academic journals and compare with benchmarking journals, including:


    · 施引文献分析:发展趋势,学科分布,期刊分布等 | Citation analysis: citing trend, discipline distribution, journal distribution etc.


    · 编委分析:机构/地域分布,学术活跃度指标 | Editorial board analysis: organization/geographical distribution, academic activity indices


    · 编辑政策及出版标准 | Editorial policies and publishing standards


    · 作者分析:机构/地域分布,学术活跃度指标 | Author analysis: institutional/regional distribution, academic activity indices


    · 对标期刊分析 | Analysis of benchmarking journals


    · 本学科科研热点分析 | Analysis of scientific research frontier topics in this discipline


    · 期刊发展建议, 等 | Suggestions on journal development, etc